Analysis 04/07/15 12:45:35 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Contact: Chuck Lippstreu (517) 333-1606 Analysis: Michigan-made ethanol still saving consumers at the pump LANSING – Michigan corn growers and ethanol producers today highlighted the fact that clean-burning ethanol is still saving consumers money at the pump, in addition to supporting thousands of good jobs across Michigan. Since the end of January, ethanol has averaged $0.26 cents less per gallon than gasoline – and ethanol has been cheaper than gasoline 91 percent of the time since the beginning of 2011. “One of the most important benefits of ethanol is the cost savings it provides over conventional gasoline, and even with today’s low prices at the pump, ethanol can provide a savings,” said Jim Zook, executive director of the Michigan Corn Growers Association. “In addition, ethanol brings far more certainty to the fuel market because we know where it comes from – American farm fields, as opposed to volatile foreign nations.” In a March 31 letter to Congressional leaders, Bob Dinneen, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, shared key facts about the cost savings available for consumers nationwide thanks to ethanol: - Ethanol prices have been below gasoline prices every day since January 30, 2015
- During this time, ethanol has averaged $0.26 less per gallon than gasoline
- Since January 1, 2011, ethanol prices have remained below gasoline prices 91% of the time
“Here in Michigan, we’re proud to create a product that brings enormous benefits for consumers, including cost savings,” said David Gloer, manager of POET Biorefining – Caro. “Ethanol also continues to support good jobs across our state, reduces harmful pollution and ensures cleaner air for our families.” # # #